Thursday, June 24, 2004

Silver Bullet: A candidate for the Republican Senate nomination in Colorado wants to lower the national drinking age back to 18. Of course, that candidate is Pete Coors, the former CEO of the beer brand that bears his name.

His argument is that states should decide the drinking age. Currently the federal government withholds transportation money from any state that doesn't set the minimum age at 21. Louisiana was the last holdout. Now all states have the same drinking age.

Mr. Coors believes that teenagers would learn to drink responsibly if they were given the chance. Truth is, any teenager who wants to drink can find alcohol readily available. But making it illegal only makes irresponsible behavior more enticing.

In Europe, alcohol is much more readily available, and people are less likely to abuse it. But alcohol is part of family traditions, present at many meals. The Puritan atmosphere in this country puts a stigma on alcohol, making teenagers crave it more.

Unfortunately, even if Mr. Coors goes to Washington, the law would never change. This is one of the few things on which liberals and conservatives agree -- telling other people how to live their lives.


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