Thursday, June 10, 2004

Hateful: For those who wonder why liberals get stuck with the description of "anti-American", it's because many of them (not all) are rooting for America to lose this war. Citizen Smash gives us an example of a group in this country that is trying desperately to "defeat the U.S. war machine" and are rooting for the Iraqi terrorists. He then reminds us to talk to our kids about what they're learning in school.

InstaPundit has been tracking examples for quite some time. ("It is not wrong to root for your country's defeat if your country is evil," one says.) And these aren't just fringe types. Some of these people are widely known.

I keep hearing the liberal argument that Bush is Hitler, the Americans are Nazis, and the Iraqi terrorists are equivalent to the French resistance who fought the Germans in WWII.

If that's the case, then either these liberals hate America, or they don't hate Nazis.


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