Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Todo Loco: There's a discussion going on at Centerfield among us moderates as to why we eschew partisan labels:

Rick Perlstein also asked a question directed at Centerfielders. "What makes you not partisan?"
Simple. Both major parties keep pissing me off.

When the Republicans impeached Clinton for lying about sex, I vowed never to join the Republican Party. If they had censured him, that would have been fine. Clinton lied under oath. And for that, disbarment was a punishment that fit the crime. But trying to create a constitutional crisis by removing a sitting president for covering up personal indiscretions was completely beyond me.

Just when I could have been drafted into the other party, the Democrats accused Bush of knowing about 9/11, then ignoring the signs of 9/11, then lying to the American people about Iraq's WMD even though many Democrats had sworn that Saddam Hussein was developing them, etc. We're in a war, and lefties are trying to take cheap shots at our president, and they are weakening the country as a result.

Plus, I don't understand the arbitrary lines between liberals and conservatives. Liberals want to legalize marijuana and outlaw cigarettes. Conservatives want to defend tobacco smokers but keep marijuana illegal. They're just plants that grow from the ground, and I believe people should be able to smoke both. The traditional positions seem somewhat contradictory.

In short, I can't align myself with any party because I can't trust any of them.


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