Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Reality Shows: Looks like all news this week will be dominated by the Democratic Convention. And that means nothing important is going to happen.

I choose not to watch party conventions. Like my boycott of the State of the Union Addresses (is the state of our union ever anything but "STRONG"?), I can only take so much political spewage. This is the perfect opportunity for the news media to filter out the garbage and bring me the important highlights.

Of course, the news media tends to highlight some garbage too -- who went to what party, who gave what speech, etc. Hopefully I'll get a chance to finish some other blog posts I've wanted to get at.

Even though I'm not watching the convention, I heard that much of it is about 9/11 -- honoring those who died and calling for a strong fight against terrorism.

Quick question, didn't Democrats blame Bush for politicizing 9/11 when he used fading images in his campaign commercials (which, after all, is what a political convention is -- only four-days long)?

Before you answer that, I just want to say that I applaud the Democrats for invoking 9/11. I'm worried that the political divisions in this country will lead many people to not want to fight this war on terrorism, for fear that fighting this war will become associated with one party more than the other. That's not what we need. The fight against terrorism should be a no brainer. We can argue over the details later.

That's why I encourage Democrats and Republicans to play up the importance of 9/11 and the war against terrorism in their conventions and campaigns. I won't be always be watching them. But I'll be cheering nonetheless.


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