Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Inevitable: It's very likely that another terrorist attack will take place on the U.S. homeland before Election Day for the simple reason that Al Qaeda wants to influence the outcome. This doesn't mean that Al Qaeda is endorsing one candidate over another. They have already vocalized their displeasure with both Kerry and Bush. They won't settle for anybody less than the prophet Mohammed himself.

The reason terrorists will attempt to attack us before the election is because they can, and they want to show that they can. And as we all now know, that's the most morally indefensible reason that anybody could have for doing anything. After their success in skewing the elections in Spain, Al Qaeda wants to show that their low-budget actions can cause massive changes.

So it should be no surprise that we evoked the orange alert over the weekend. This time, our government tried to give us specific information based on recently gathered intelligence by telling us to defend our financial centers.

Of course, politics plays a role, and unfortunately conspiracy theorists are politically active. Critics contend that this terror alert comes right after the Democratic National Convention, and that the Bush administration is just trying to steal their opponent's thunder.

I've said this before. News is going to continue to happen from here to Election Day. Our government cannot simply shut down and not do anything that might influence the elections.

It is amazing, if you think about it, that the Democrats are saying out loud that any focus on terrorist threats favor the Republicans. It's almost as if they're admitting that the Republicans are stronger in this area. Instead, Democrats should be telling us what they would do.

More terror alerts will come before Election Day. Outside incidents will influence this election. The October surprise may be finally nabbing Osama Bin Laden or a massive attack on our soil. I believe it's most likely going to be the Bush administration announcing the capture of an Al Qaeda cell that was about to conduct a massive attack in the United States.

Such an event may seem political. But everything is political. And anything having to do with our nation's security should be political. Vote accordingly.


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